Emergency Alert & Warning Work Group

The Emergency Alert & Warning Work Group’s (EAWWG) purpose is to ensure effective and efficient multi-jurisdictional and cross functional alert and warning coordination during emergency response which meets the needs of the whole community in the Portland Metropolitan Region. Members include technical alert and warning experts, alert system administrators, 911 call center staff, public messaging experts, and key partners related to imminent alert and warning.

Chair: Brenna Cruz, Clackamas County Disaster Management
Vice Chair: Richard Higgins, Multnomah County Emergency Management
RDPO Staff: Angela Carkner, RDPO Emergency Preparedness Coordinator


Members of the RDPO EAW-WG participate in a new national workgroup called Language & Accessibility in Alert & Warning Workgroup (LAAWW). Members of LAAWW are subject matter experts in emergency alert and warning systems, language equity, disability access, public information, and disaster communication. Community-based organizations are welcome and encouraged to participate. Membership is voluntary, unpaid, and open to anyone in the United States, Tribal Nations, and Territories.


  1. National networking

  2. Sharing outreach lessons

  3. Creating a repository of translated and community-vetted templates

  4. Sharing on-call translation resources

  5. Compiling alert and warning accessibility best practices

  6. Advocating for improved language and disability access in alerting systems