PIO Work Group
Public Information Officers (PIOs) communicate with the public, the media, and other stakeholders before, during, and in the aftermath of an emergency. This communication is a critical emergency management capability that can save lives, property, and the environment. The PIO Work Group is a network of individuals who support emergency public information and warning in the Portland Metro Region (PMR). Members come from a broad spectrum of agencies, disciplines, and jurisdictions. During emergencies, the PIO Work Group contributes to the Regional Joint Information System.
Chair: Kimberlee Ables, Metro - kimberlee.ables@oregonmetro.gov
Vice Chair: Jaymee Cuti, PBEM - jaymee.cuti@portlandoregon.gov
Photo credit: Multnomah County
Regional PIO Con-Ops Plan and Summary (2016) - to be updated Spring 2025
The full Regional PIO Work Group meets quarterly on the 1st Thursdays of March, June, and September from 10:30-11:10am. Meetings feature guest speakers, training, case studies, and report-outs from other RDPO work groups. Each December, they convene for an in-person networking event. Contact the Chair or Vice Chair to be added to the roster.
The Regional Lead PIOs meet on the fourth Monday of each month to plan Regional PIO meetings. During emergencies, this group will launch the Regional Joint Information System and convene to discuss strategy and methods for coordination. They can include any agencies impacted by the event, or agencies can request to be added to the meetings. Notes will be shared with the Regional PIO Group to help ensure that all agencies remain informed.
The “Regional Lead PIOs” are defined by our Portland Metropolitan Region Emergency Public Information Concept of Operations (ConOps) Plan (see above). They include representatives from Clackamas, Clark, Columbia, Multnomah, and Washington counties, the City of Portland, Metro, the Port of Portland, and TriMet.