UASI ‘24 Grant Cycle
Most of the RDPO’s funding comes from the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI). Some locally-contributed or reallocated funds may also be available. If you would like to submit a project for funding consideration, you must get it sponsored by an RDPO work group, subcommittee, task force, or governance committee well in advance of the application deadline.
The application deadline has passed. This information is for reference only.
Before you complete an application, make sure you understand RDPO grant requirements and expectations. Read these documents:
Evaluation Form (do not complete this form)
To complete application forms, download them to your computer’s hard drive, complete them, and then submit them via email using the instructions provided. All applications must include:
Some applications must also include:
Dec 1, 2023: Application packets due
Jan 8-12: Applicants respond to Evaluation & Program committee questions
March 1, 2024: Environmental & Historic Preservation Form due
May 2024: Tentative awards announced
August 2024: UASI funding package released and final awards announced
Jan-May 2025: Project work commences
Mar 31, 2027: Grant period ends - projects must be complete, no spending past this date
View a more detailed list of deadlines in the UASI ‘24 Timeline and the RDPO UASI Timelines.
If your project receives funding, you may find the following project management tools helpful.
Please email questions to