The Citizen Corps Work Group (CCWG) works to build disaster-resilient communities by strengthening and maintaining volunteer programs and affiliate programs and organizations. CCWG leverages and shares resources to develop and support regional projects and local initiatives.
Chair: Alice Busch, Multnomah County Emergency Management
Vice Chair: Courtney Yan, Washington County Emergency Management
The Citizen Corps program is a national network of over 1,200 state, local, and tribal Citizen Corps Councils that bring together local government, business, and community leaders who work to prepare their communities for disaster and make them more resilient.
Programs that are started through local innovation and are coordinated nationally by the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Citizen Corps programs recruit, train, and support community volunteers to prepare for and respond safely and effectively to the threats and hazards associated with natural and human caused disasters and emergencies.
The RDPO’s CCWG encompasses five counties and two cities, representing 2.3 million people in the metro area. Each member of the CCWG is a part of local Citizen Corps Council, Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD), or Community Organization Active in Disasters (COAD).
CCWG volunteers contributed invaluable services over the past few years. CCWG Past Chair Renate Garrison presented a summary to the RDPO Program Committee on October 18, 2021. View the slide deck.