Regional Multi-Agency Coordination System (RMACS)
Severe events like major winter storms, wildland-urban interface fires, earthquakes, and pandemics can create complex, cross-jurisdictional coordination challenges. Among those challenges are are incident prioritization, scarce resource allocation, public message coordination, cross-jurisdiction information sharing, policy alignment, and resolution of common issues. The Regional Multi-Agency Coordination System (RMACS) addresses these challenges by creating a formal structure and process for cross-jurisdictional collaboration and coordination across the Portland Metropolitan Region (PMR), which includes Clackamas, Columbia, Multnomah and Washington Counties in Oregon, and Clark County in Washington.
Mark Ferdig, All Hazards MAC, Regional Disaster Preparedness Organization
Robin Holm, Health Medical MAC, NW Oregon Health Preparedness Organization (HPO)
Melissa McKinney, Public Health MAC, Cities Readiness Initiative