The RDPO coordinates completion and submission of the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) and the Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) on behalf of the Portland Metro Region.


The Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) is a risk assessment process that helps develop a shared understanding of risks, set regional performance outcomes and targets, and identify resource requirements aligned with the National Preparedness Goal’s 32 Core Capabilities. It is submitted to FEMA once every three years.

The Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) is a self-assessment of a jurisdiction’s current capability levels against the targets identified in the THIRA. It is submitted to FEMA annually.


The THIRA/SPR update is one of many mechanisms by which the RDPO achieves its mission to build and maintain regional disaster preparedness capabilities in the Portland Urban Area through strategic and coordinated planning, training and exercising, and investment.


FEMA requires these assessments from all urban areas that receive a UASI grant. Outputs of the THIRA/SPR process inform a variety of disaster preparedness and emergency management efforts, including: strategic and program planning to better direct funding investments, emergency operations planning, mutual aid agreements, and hazard mitigation planning. Ultimately, the THIRA/SPR process helps the RDPO and the associated whole community answer the following questions:

  • What threats and hazards do we need to prepare for at the regional level?

  • What core capabilities should we build and maintain?

  • What regionally‐deployable resources (equipment and/or personnel) are required to be adequately prepared?

  • What gaps in our capabilities and resources need to be prioritized for funding?


Portland Metro THIRA/SPR

For access to the RDPO's THIRA/SPR, contact Regional Planning Coordinator Carol Chang.